Friday, March 11, 2011

Google's Person Finder Service to Help Japan Earthquake Victims

Google has launched Person Finder service to help the people suffered from the earthquake. The website acts as a directory and message portal so people can look for their lost relatives and friends or can inform about their status by posting a note. In order to increase its usage Google will integrate it with the web especially with social networking sites so that large no of people can be benefit by this service. After the Japan earth quake this service has logged on by about 4000 people.

 The extent of the damage caused by the Japanese earthquake is not yet known but its 8.9 magnitude can cause across the Pacific region which can make its more disastrous by effecting 10’s of thousands of people and in such situations this service will be a blessing. Google's Person finder was used in the aftermath of the 2011 NewZealand earthquake.

 Before these kind of tools such as Person Finder it was much harder to compare the information gathered by separate agencies and help to re-unite families and friends. The system was first used following the Haiti earthquake in January 2010. That first tool was based around work done in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans.

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