World latest robot technology is introduced by a Japanese company known as HAL or Hybrid Assistive limb which will help the disables by reading their brain signal and has far reaching benefits. It is based on the computerized technology integrated with the sensors. It reads brain signal and directs limb movement always comes through the skin which helps help the disables and the old persons to walk. They can worn it as a belt around their waist and it operates by 22 pound battery.
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Japanese company has come with this product for a monthly rental fee 0f $150. First it has a sensor which help for capture the brain signal and it goes thorough mechanical legs braces strapped to the thighs and knees. Which then provide robotic help to disable people where they want to move.
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Japanese company has come with this product for a monthly rental fee 0f $150. First it has a sensor which help for capture the brain signal and it goes thorough mechanical legs braces strapped to the thighs and knees. Which then provide robotic help to disable people where they want to move.